Dental anxiety is a common problem for many. We have mastered the art of calm at Smilefolk.


We use nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, as a sedative option for patients who need extra help staying relaxed during their treatment. Laughing gas is inhaled through a mask placed over the nose. The effects wear off quickly after your procedure, so you’ll be able to enjoy the rest of your day as you normally would, and your dental treatment won’t keep you from your other plans.

“Laughing Gas”

The benefits of

Sedation dentistry can benefit many patients and ensure a stress-free visit. If you have an upcoming appointment that involves extensive treatment, laughing gas can minimize pain and keep you safe and calm during your procedure. Patients with dental phobia can also benefit from laughing gas because it gives you a feeling of euphoria.

When to Consider Sedation Options?

Is sedation right for me?

At Smilefolk, we know that many patients suffer from anxiety and dental phobia, and our goal is to change the way people view appointments with their dentist. Dr. Lee is personable, and uses open communication and her sense of humor to make her patients feel at ease. For patients with high levels of stress or those who are undergoing extensive treatment, we also offer nitrous oxide sedation dentistry as a way to ensure a safe, calm dental procedure.


Sedation Services

" I have had trouble finding a dentist I am comfortable with and am so glad I am a client of hers. She is so knowledgeable and willing to explain and make me feel comfortable when I normally have anxiety with dental work."

kind words

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We know that some patients worry about dental treatment, and this anxiety can make it difficult to relax. The Smilefolk team is dedicated to providing comfortable, compassionate care in Weston, so we offer nitrous oxide sedation dentistry as an option.

Sedation Dentistry At Smilefolk

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