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Enhance your natural beauty with our cosmetic dentistry solutions to gain harmony and balance to your smile.

Cosmetic Dentistry

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If you are unhappy with chips or gaps between your teeth, or you want to add shape and brighten your smile, bonding and reshaping may be the right option for you. During treatment, Dr. Lee will apply a tooth-colored resin to your teeth and mold it into the desired shape. This minimally invasive cosmetic treatment can often be done in just one appointment, and you’ll leave our office with a more beautiful smile!

Dental Bonding & Reshaping


If imperfections in your teeth are keeping you from smiling and laughing with confidence, we can help! No matter what cosmetic issues you’re dealing with now, your dream smile is possible! Whether you want straighter, brighter, or more uniformly shaped teeth, our cosmetic dentistry options will get you there. 


Cosmetic Services

"Her practice is state of the art, clean and gorgeous. Thank you Dr Lee, my husband and I are grateful for you and your staff. You are a patient and caring professional."

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If you are considering porcelain veneers or you have just had the treatment, here are a few tips to ensure that your new smile stays in good shape:

  • Brush, floss, and rinse twice a day
  • Floss gently to prevent breakage
  • Avoid chewing on non-food items like pens and ice
  • Limit exposure to tooth-staining foods and drinks (porcelain veneers won’t stain, but your natural teeth will, and this could cause uneven discoloration throughout your smile)

Caring for your New Smile

Veneers are a popular option for patients looking to improve the appearance of their smiles because of the many advantages that come along with the treatment. The procedure is minimally invasive and can be completed in as little as two appointments, making veneers an efficient way to cover imperfections. Veneers are also easy to care for and can last for years with proper oral care. The durable porcelain won’t stain, so your pearly whites will stay fresh and bright. If you’re interested in this durable, efficient treatment, call us today to start the process!


Veneers can cover a wide range of imperfections, and the minimally invasive procedure can typically be done in just two appointments. Dr. Lee will remove a small amount of tooth enamel to make room for your custom veneers, and after checking to make sure the fit is perfect, they’ll be permanently adhered to your teeth to improve your smile.

Cover Imperfections with Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers

"Dr Lee is an excellent dentist; the results of the cosmetic treatments I received transformed the appearance of my smile."

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Many patients ask what the difference is between professional whitening products and those you can buy over the counter at a pharmacy. The main differences are safety, fit, and results. With professional grade products and custom-made trays to fit your smile, your teeth will be whitened evenly without harming your gum line. Our in-office whitening option produces results much faster, and you can brighten your smile multiple shades in just one appointment. Professional-grade whitening services offer professional-grade results that can be tailored to your preferences, so you won’t need to guess about how bright your smile will be after treatment.

Professional Vs. Over The Counter

Do you have an important event coming up, like a wedding or reunion? Our in-office whitening option is ideal for patients looking for a quick way to get a smile that is multiple shades brighter. You’ll look your best in no time (this treatment only takes about an hour), and you’ll leave our office feeling confident.

For patients with busy schedules or those who prefer privacy and the comfort of their own homes, we also offer take-home whitening trays. These trays are custom-made to fit your smile and ensure that all of your teeth are brightened evenly.

In-Office And Take-Home

Teeth whitening is fast and effective, making it one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments in America. The treatment is completely non-invasive, and we offer both in-office and take-home options to meet the needs of all our patients at Smilefolk. Call us today to schedule an appointment for a bright, fresh smile!

Get a Quick Confidence Boost with Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening

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Studies show that when a person is happy with their smile, they are more likely to take care of it with proper oral hygiene habits. Investing in cosmetic dentistry at Smilefolk will not only boost your confidence, but help you maintain a healthy grin! Call us today to get started on your journey to the smile of your dreams. We’d feel honored to be a part of the process! 

Cosmetic Dentistry At Smilefolk

Want to Spruce Up Your Smile?

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